A Safe Worker’s Promise
Personal commitments you can live and work by:
- I anticipate possible dangers in any given operation and make every effort to analyze and avoid them before starting work, including immediately communicating such to my direct report.
- I am careful when using tools and use them only for the purpose for which they were designed. I look for defects. If I discover a defective tool I will turn it in for repair or replacement.
- At all times, I practice good housekeeping habits. I believe in the policy of a place for everything and everything in its place.
- I understand the importance of participating in company training, standard practice development, job hazard assessments and incident investigations to further enhance overall safety.
- When operating machinery, I follow all machine specific training and requirements, recognize the hazards involved and take necessary precautionary measures. Before starting a piece of equipment, I look it over to ensure that neither workers nor materials will be endangered. When I leave equipment unattended, I make certain that it is safely shut down. I take necessary precautions to prevent the equipment from being started by an unauthorized person.
- While driving, I obey all traffic rules and regulations. I am alert to the possible inadequacies of other drivers and am prepared to make necessary allowances for safety on the road.
- I take the necessary precautions to properly attend to cuts and scratches. I am aware that by doing this, I can avoid potential infections.
- I believe in wearing personal protective equipment (PPE). I am fully aware of the many times in the past when using PPE, such as safety glasses, safety shoes and gloves, has enabled workers to avoid injury.